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Experimental Training

Video game - Unity 3D

Experimental training is a self-help Rogue-Like video game. Work carried out in a second year semi-annual project

Quentin Bonacina
Paul Demars
Anna Kaczorowski
Julien Saguez
Cooperate with your partner, to indicate the position of enemies visible to you and eliminate those who are invisible to you.
Game Concept

Experimental Training is a rogue-like 3D game seen from above. It offers two players to meet in a virtual simulation, intended to test the cooperation between soldiers against various enemies.

This simulation is set in a huge scientific complex composed of a multitude of rooms, the proposed experiment revolves around the communication of the location of enemies and the elimination of these. Whether it is communication or elimination, these two parts are done using shooting mechanics.

Each player has enemies that only he sees. These same enemies also see it and are aggressive towards this player. However, the avatar's weapon will not hurt direct enemies, but those of your teammate. Each player must therefore eliminate the enemies of his ally. The game offers challenges of confrontation and cooperation while having the will to be intense. Replayability has an important value in Experimental Training.


This game requires two screens and two Xbox controllers.

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